Once upon a time, a house was stormed. We all fought bravely except for the sissies that lambasted --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- me for making the first game too hard. I was like "So it's too hard eh? I've made it easier and easier --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- and still you say it's too hard... WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" to which they replied "How about a gun that --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- when you shoot it, people fly up into the air like ants into the bowels of a vacuum cleaner" of course --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- they were joking, but unbeknownst to them, I have no sense of humor... so I put it in and called it the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Gravity Cannon. Also, lots of people wanted to be able to pause and (I would assume) wipe the sweat --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- from their brow before continuing to play this intense game. so those are two new things --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- well, there are two other important things worth noting. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- SPACEBAR RELOADS and 'P' PAUSES --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- I should give you an overview of what does what instead of ranting on about my personal life, which --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- was my original intention. While I'm thinking about it, it's worth noting that there is an ending, and --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- there is a reward for getting there. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Gunmen: --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- they shoot random targets for you so the more you have, the more enemies die --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Craftsmen: --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- They fix up your place by slowly recharging your health. Again, the more the merrier. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Missile Silo: --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- It shoots missile death out into the battlefield and hits random groups of enemies. buy the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- silo, then buy guys to work in the silo. the more workers you employ, the faster it shoots. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- On a final note. I got a lot of complaints from my first game stating that I just ripped off "defend your --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- castle" (a popular flash game available anywhere on the internet) Well I have one thing to say to you --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- naysayers. That's exactly what I did. Bon appatit